Create Your Own Future of Work from the Inside Out
“Instead of getting bogged down in the debate about whether it’s best to work from home, use a hybrid model, or do something completely different, Karen Mangia gets right to the heart of the matter: bringing humanity back to organizations. With stories that resonate across time, space, age, and industry, Success From Anywhere is a guidebook for leaders and non-leaders everywhere.”

Co-author of The New One Minute Manager® and Servant Leadership in Action

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From the Author

This book has two missions: help individuals to show up and lead in new ways, and—by extension—help organizations to create freedom in the workplace. What I wish more than anything with this book, is to share the knowledge to attain success, and I'd be glad to know it helped you progress as well. May this be the beginning of an extraordinary journey.
- Karen Mangia
Inside Success From Anywhere
Regardless of company culture, leadership, or industry—this book offers actionable insights on a range of timely and relevant subjects, including:
Rethinking the foundations of what work really means, including work-life balance, the future of work, and where peak performance really comes from
The origins of intolerance, and how to access greater diversity, inclusion, and belonging inside every organization
Creating a high-impact culture in the anxious and stressful pandemic environment by redesigning the game—and creating your own rules
How to overcome feelings of constriction and confinement, to find new possibilities, for your own career
Getting past the feeling that you have to “do it all” in order to succeed
Powerful scientific insights into stress-relief, battling burnout, and becoming your best self


"A blueprint for new opportunities and new hope."
―Amy Weaver,
President and Chief Financial Officer, Salesforce

"A bold-faced blueprint of how the game of life and work can be played in the future—with an eye on your personal success."
―Soledad O'Brien,
CEO, Soledad O'Brien Productions

"Success From Anywhere is an insightful blueprint for personal success, with guidance on finding our way back to ourselves. If a company is going to thrive, its people need to find new ideas and new ways forward! Read this book, and you'll realize: here they are."
―Marshall Goldsmith,
Thinkers 50 #1 Ececutive Coach and only two-time #1 Leadership Thinker in the world.

"A bold blueprint for success in a post-pandemic world."
―Kara Goldin,
Founder/CEO, Hint, Inc., and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of Undaunted: Overcoming Doubts & Doubters
Success From Anywhere
Discover how to adapt to these changing times and the uncertain times ahead with a new playbook for yourself, your career, and your organization—that playbook is Success From Anywhere.

Why can’t organizations discover the right way to navigate the world of work? Turns out, companies are looking in the wrong direction.
Discovering success isn’t about a hybrid model or offering remote work options. Because, as it has been said, no matter where you go there you are.
The future of work is less about how we reconfigure cubicles and more about how we redesign our relationship with work. That redesign begins, in part, with an examination of your values. And, by extension, the values of your organization.
Success is not a location. It’s not a destination. Success happens one individual―one person― at a time. And when we change our relationship with work, everything changes.
The premise of Success From Anywhere is a simple one: it’s time to change the game. Innovation is the path from the pandemic, and this book will help you to tap into your own creativity, your own wisdom, and your own definition of success.
Because organizations win when people win. When the players see a new game is possible, new results follow. Success From Anywhere is an invitation to freedom. The freedom to choose the work model that makes the most sense. The freedom to choose your own values. And the pathway to bring your values to life, as you make new discoveries around the true nature of success.
The future belongs to those who create it. Do you have the creativity that’s needed to overcome what’s ahead? Or will you let burnout and outdated management strategies rob you of your career impact?
What if there was a way to access empathy? Examining the true nature of bias, Success From Anywhere is a powerful blueprint for greater tolerance, inclusion and understanding―so that you can understand how to create an organization that thrives, beyond the restrictions of the pandemic.
When it comes to designing the future of work, one size fits none. We have to make decisions about how to play the game in a new way―and the work models and leadership styles you create will come from innovation. Access that innovation, today, inside this book. And you’ll find your own path to Success From Anywhere.
Your Playbook To Freedom Awaits!

About Karen
WSJ Bestselling Author | Future of Work Strategist | Keynote Speaker | Executive Coach | Thinkers 360 | TEDx Speaker | Newsweek Forum Expert | Journalist
"Success is not a location. It's not a job title or a number in your bank account. Success isn't something that's reserved for somebody else. It might just be one step away - especially when you take ownership for your own success, right now. Are you ready to take that step?"
- Karen Mangia
KAREN MANGIA is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers in the world, sharing her thought leadership with over 10,000 organizations during the course of her career. As Vice President of Customer and Market Insights at Salesforce, she helps define, design, and deliver the future. She serves on multiple boards, including the Racial Equality & Justice Taskforce. She is the author of Success With Less, Listen Up! and Working From Home.
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Book of the Year
Karen Mangia | Indianapolis, Indiana, United States | Success from Anywhere – Karen Mangia – Author/Thought Leader/VP of Customer & Market Insights at Salesforce